Sacramento weather forecast: Cloudy conditions

Sacramento residents can expect a beautiful day of weather on May 21, with sunny skies and warm temperatures throughout.

The morning will start off with temperatures around 64ºF and a gentle north wind at 9 mph. As the day progresses, the mercury will rise to a high of 90ºF in the afternoon, accompanied by a northwest wind at 10 mph. In the evening, temperatures will drop to 77ºF with a southwest wind at 8 mph.

There is no chance of rain expected, and the cloud cover will be minimal, with only 2% in the evening. The humidity will remain relatively low, ranging from 12% in the afternoon to 27% in the evening. No weather advisories or significant impacts are anticipated, making it a perfect day to enjoy the outdoors.

This article was generated with the use of OpenAI and The Weather Network's forecast data. The article was reviewed by our editorial team for accuracy and clarity.

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