Oshawa's weather forecast for April 24: A chilly start with clear skies tonight

Oshawa is set for a varied weather day this April 24, starting with a chilly morning featuring a few showers and a 40 per cent chance of precipitation.

Morning temperatures will be around 6°C, but strong northerly winds at speeds up to 29 km/h, gusting to 48 km/h, will make it feel more like 1°C. The cloud cover will be substantial at around 70 per cent during this time.

Wednesday afternoon

As the day progresses into the afternoon, the chance of showers will persist at 40 per cent, although temperatures will rise to a more comfortable 10°C. Winds will decrease slightly to 21 km/h with gusts up to 44 km/h, and cloud cover will significantly reduce to around 20 per cent.

Wednesday evening

By the evening, the weather will clear completely with no chance of precipitation. Temperatures will dip back down to 6°C, and winds will further decrease to 14 km/h, gusting up to 26 km/h. The sky will remain clear with zero cloud cover.

The clear skies will continue overnight, with temperatures dropping to -1°C. Light northeastern winds at 13 km/h, gusting to 20 km/h, will persist, and cloud cover will remain non-existent.

Here's what else you need to know

No weather impacts or advisories are in place. Residents can look forward to about 4 hours of sunshine today.

This article was generated with the use of OpenAI and The Weather Network's forecast data. The article was reviewed by our editorial team for accuracy and clarity.

Header image: Canva Pro.